Tuesday, 30 September 2014


6. Admit that you had a rough patch.

Time: 5:28 pm
Place: My apartment, the couch, watching The Devil Wears Prada

I had a shitty summer at work. So shitty that I would be regularly crying at my desk and wishing I could just quit. Obviously, just quitting my job isn't an option. I was chosen for a meeting with new senior leadership and it seems like some pretty incredible changes are coming. He said 'before you decide to leave, give me 6 months to change this place around.' I made no promises to stay, but I'm definitely feeling more hopeful. The situation I was put in over the summer wasn't my fault and there was very little I could do to rectify it (I'm good, but I'm not good enough to do the work cut out for 2 people who decided to go on leave at the same time).

6 down, 359 to go.

Monday, 29 September 2014


5. Donate

Time: 7:35pm
Place: My apartment

A brother of someone in my office passed away over the weekend. Instead of flowers they asked for donations to his favorite charity. I've never met the guy, and don't even know the person in my office that well, but let's be honest, donating was the right thing to do.

5 down, 360 to go.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

3 + 4 = weekend

3. No more weekend guilt

Time: 4:35 pm
Place: The patio by the pool

Last night a guy I've started seeing came over with some cider and we sat outside looking at the skyline, taking, first kissing, etc. Today we just went for a walk by the lake, picked up some sandwiches, and took a nice long nap. I used to feel guilty for not being super productive on the weekends. Because I have so little free time during the week, I tend to file a lot of things (workouts, errands, social things) under the 'weekend only' category, but then the weekend comes around and sometimes I just want to spend a day on the couch watching the Sex and the City marathon on E! and then I feel guilty. No more!

4.  Take the time to make a meal

Time: 2:25 pm
Place: My apartment, the couch

Is anyone else surrounded by people who don't enjoy preparing their own food? Family holidays used to involve cooking and previous roommates were at least vaguely interesting in healthy eating. I'm getting back on the cooking wagon. My Sunday lunch consisted of baked haddock and zucchini with sea salt. Such a simple meal. And now I'm off to the market.

4 days down, 361 to go.

Friday, 26 September 2014


2. Speak up

Time: 7:35 am
Place: Home office

I had noticed this week at work that I'd been having a hard time keeping up. Fortunately, in my line of work the numbers don't lie. I pulled the inventory and I had double the amount of work as other team members. I asked my boss if we could discuss some re-balancing as I'd been struggling to keep up. He took it really well and rebalanced everything. I feel like I can enjoy the weekend more because I'm going to be walking into a much less stressful work situation on Monday.

Here's to speaking up!

2 days down, 363 days to go.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


Time: 4:59pm
Place: My parent's house

Yesterday was my birthday. Next year will be my champagne birthday. Like a lot of people, I'm in debt, have a job I don't love, and am ready to make a change. These are my tales

1 down, 364 to go.